
Thursday, February 24, 2005

A Note of Love, Unrequited

This madness cannot be explained. It is not easily expunged yet I know it cannot be excused. Sorry for showering a love you never wanted. Sorry for being a nuisance-For that shortwhile I couldn't help it. Thanks for putting up with me, for not shaking me off anxiously like I was a leech. You have been a lovely being. Bless the God who could come up with you and other such beauteous beings, Amen!!


  1. Nice post. Nice because the contents have a personal resonance in my mind. I have always wondered... forget that.

    You write pretty well. Have been reading your posts awhile but this one coaxed me gently into commenting...

  2. Forget that!! How..? Finish your thought eroteme, or if it was a feeling feel free, live it completely!!


  3. :-)

    Not sure whether it is either of what you allowed it to be...

    Its basically a point of wonder, whether to love and leave is more beautiful than to love and possess...

    BTW, what does c at the end of your maheshc stand for?

  4. Wow! so few words but so many emotions conveyed...Lovely!

    Eroteme: To love is beautiful, the possess/letting go is irrelevant...
