
Monday, January 31, 2005

Pebbles in my Pool

Untimely rains here. It is Providential and it is welcome because just during yesterday's jog it occured to me...ah, the days of jogging carefree in lush rain and the solitude of a campus are simply gone. I would be leaving this place in another 40 days, forever. And here it is! Someone sure heard my achings, my nostalgic rumblings! Let it rain tonight. I will take my tshirt off for one last time in my jog.

Sometimes a song, a tune enters our thoughts spontaneously without any sign it is on its way. The nice tune leaves you in a nice mood. I suspect that songs that make such spontaneous appearances are gems. I like the thought that somewhere in my memory is a neat little mechanism which can unfailingly bubble up favorite stuff. The latest bubble which induced me into making this post is this tamil song starring vijay and (sneha?), a number which fared decently in the charts: "Nenjam orumurai nee enradhu, kangal orumurai paar enradhu..."

Other times a song sticks on you like know when u have miraculously struck a nice rapport with a kid, or even a puppy..they won't let you go, they are all around you and
they engage you in the best way possible: This song from Simon and Garfunkel I had little fancy for now doesn't let me go. Its tune goes round and round in my head and rolls like a lump of jaggery in my tongue, yielding its sweetness continuously. I am not complaining..! Let the little pleasures continue, they have always been the only ones.


  1. **the days of jogging carefree in lush rain and the solitude of a campus are simply gone.**

    I was reminded of the early morning jogs through the fogs on a wintry morning while on campus.
    I felt the exact same thing a few days before leaving the place forever.


    Beautiful post and most importantly, insightful analogies are indeed your forte Mahesh :)

  2. it is, 'the only living boy in new york..' meera...

  3. the ripples slowly move outward and fade away in slow motion...but the pebble sinks slowly embedding itself within the deep...
    'Etho ondru' song in Laysa Laysa is a masterpiece...i might be in the worst of moods, wild, crazy or despondent but this song will immediately make me smile...for reasons unknown and better left unknown.

    This is a wonderful post!
    As good as 'jogging carefree in lush rain...'

  4. 'Sarkarai nilave' is good esp the part when he asks 'you love everything i love, but why is it you don't love me?' Touche!
    Speaking on those lines, Maymadham's , "Minnale nee vandhadhu enadi' and Minnale's 'iru vizhu unadhu' are poignant poems of an unheard of genre...
