
Friday, July 28, 2006

Just a Filler...

Yesterday I saw a surreal sight while riding in a darkness punctuated by lashing rains, headlamps, and thunders crashing down at the horizon. The steady sheet of rain was visible only when a headlamp, single or as a pair, flashed by. Otherwise it was felt streaming down my face, and tasted. In that circumstances too, workers, drenched and with improvised rubber boots, were at their work on the IT Corridor Road. A bulky equipment was
spreading steaming tar mix on the road. The steam rose upwards to meet the showers under the auspices of the orange lights.


  1. Sorry OT: I lost your phone number a long time ago, and have been wondering how to get in touch with you since, not quite realising that I could always have left a comment on your blog. Email me!

  2. well mahesh, it certainly took long enough for you to post this! where have you been? anyhow, i wish you had a camera and not just a pen. sounds amazing.
